Designed to provide particle free air to meet class 100 conditions Cabinet is Fabricated out of thick board duly Sunmica/Mild Steel Epoxy painted /S.S. Working table made of thick board with stainless steel at top. Side panels and front door are made out of thick transparent Plexi-glass. Unit is fitted with pre-filter and HEPA filter. Using a dynamic machine, the blower and motor assembly is statically and dynamically balanced, heavy-duty motor operates with minimum noise level. Interlocking of U.V germicidal tube and fluorescent tube. Working area is illuminated by fluorescent lighting fitted to the unit. Supplied with S.S. table, Pressure manometer, build in U.V and Fluorescent tube, cock for gas and other standard feature. To work on 220/230 Volt AC Supply.
Working Table Size.
Stainless steel
600x600x600 mm (Wooden, Mild Steel)
900x600x600 mm (Wooden, Mild Steel)
1200x600x600 mm (Wooden, Mild Steel)
1800x600x600 mm (Wooden, Mild Steel)
Magnarelli differential pressure gauge instead of static manometer
Microprocessor controller For Illumination and Inbuilt timer
Microprocessor controller with timer and Air velocity sensor